Handheld electronic games are an example of a toy that adopted characteristics of arcade video games. These devices highly influenced the design of future handheld gaming devices. Developing a mobile game which is inspired by these pioneering devices is both an interesting challenge and a call-back to the origins of handheld computing devices.

Study Guide - Making a handheld electronic inspired game.

Handheld Electronic Game Implementation

Breaking down the game into individual parts makes this concept easier to implement.

The rab-bot will randomly chose a point on the shelf and start moving towards it. As it moves the rab-bot will start knocking down items.

Move Rose by pressing the left and right buttons. Holding the action button will make any falling items in Rose's reach display in reverse along with the hand sprites, giving the impression of placing the item back on the luggage rack. Players will earn points when placing items back on the rack.

Taking cues from arcade games, the rab-bot movement and music will speed up as more points are scored.

Items knocked off the shelf will continue falling until they reach the floor. Once items fall on the floor the life counter will be decreased.