Handheld electronic games are an example of a toy that adopted characteristics of arcade video games. These devices highly influenced the design of future handheld gaming devices. Developing a mobile game which is inspired by these pioneering devices is both an interesting challenge and a call-back to the origins of handheld computing devices.

Study Guide - Making a handheld electronic inspired game.

Handheld Electronic Game Concept

Rose is controlled by the player, catching falling objects and placing them back on the rack. The rab-bot will pushes luggage off the storage rack and onto the floor. Players will score points by placing items back on the storage rack and lose when enough items hit the ground.

The characters (actors) of this game are Rose, the train passenger, and rab-bot, the robot gone haywire.

In Storage Jam you play as a train passenger that must catch the luggage being thrown from the train storage rack by a rampaging robot.