The shirohane logo. The text Shirohane is surrounded by a single white wing and the stylized wing hair pin
The shirohane logo. The text Shirohane is surrounded by a single white wing and the stylized wing hair pin

You take a deep breath to calm your nerves before reaching out to grasp the ornate door handle. Pushing the heavy wooden door forward you enter the studio. With well practiced steps you move through the stacks of books, careful that you don't push any of them over as you navigate through the entryway.

It was not your first time in this building, and this time you knew exactly where to go. Up the stairs, the second door on the right and into the simple study. Your pulse begins to race as you see the familiar wooden desk pushed against the open window, a book left wide open on the table. As you approach the desk, the smell of the ocean hits your nostrils, but you quickly pick up the book. Careful to not to smear the fresh ink on the open page you move to leave the study, book in hand.

Suddenly you hear a quiet cough from behind you. Sheepishly you turn to face the figure, it was Shiro the studio's owner. Their face pale like porcelain, contrasting with the dark rings of shadows under their eyes. Their right arm wrapped in bandages and a single white wing jutting out from their back. Shiro stares at you with a firm expression and begins to speak, "I will be needing that book back..."

Welcome to Shirohane Studio

A view of the city as seen from your desk. A seagull beconds you from the open window. You see a lighthouse in the distance.
A view of the city as seen from your desk. A seagull beconds you from the open window. You see a lighthouse in the distance.